Tag: Hong Kong
best of 2019
My annual ritual of compiling and sharing the best photographs of 2019 (yes 2019…. I am slightly, just so slightly late to the party this time around). So here they are: 5 in colour and 5 in black and white “2019 was my year of black and white photography“ brief review I’m rather pleased with…
top 10 photographs of 2018 – the journey
Originally inspired by pro-photographer Martin Bailey (website), I just compiled – what I most humbly consider – the 10 best photographs I took in 2018. My target was to have a “top10 2018 collection”, containing 5 b&w and 5 “colour” images. Adobe Lightroom (kind of a love-hate relationship) is a valuable tool to make cataloguing…
more on: hiking in Hong Kong
Luck had it that I could spend a number of weekends in Hong Kong between Nov 2017 and March 2018. Hong Kong is a hiker’s heaven all year round, but the relatively cool winter months make it a paradise. Once back home, I started thinking how I could possible blog (aka diary-ise) all these beautiful…