Tag: Singapore

  • best of 2019

    My annual ritual of compiling and sharing the best photographs of 2019 (yes 2019…. I am slightly, just so slightly late to the party this time around). So here they are: 5 in colour and 5 in black and white “2019 was my year of black and white photography“ brief review I’m rather pleased with…

  • top 10 photographs of 2018 – the journey

    Originally inspired by pro-photographer Martin Bailey (website), I just compiled – what I most humbly consider – the 10 best photographs I took in 2018. My target was to have a “top10 2018 collection”, containing 5 b&w and 5 “colour” images. Adobe Lightroom (kind of a love-hate relationship) is a valuable tool to make cataloguing…

  • late November: year end panic

    late November: year end panic

    Since last year I adopt a practice of choosing – what I consider – my best pictures of the year. Pro-photographer Martin Bailey inspired me to embark on this journey. I gave the process my own spin by choosing my “best of colour” and a separate set “best of black and white”. I find it…

  • Marina Bay Sands, Singapore – Early Morning Glory

    One day in March 2018, don’t know what got into me, I decided to get up early, cycle from home to the Marina Barrage with the complete photo gear AND the drone to take a few pictures and movies. So, I had the DJI Phantom 3P in the hardcover backpack, a tripod attached to this…

  • Best of 2017, picture by picture, the colourful 8

    best of 2017, the top 8 color photographs Some thoughts and technical background information about the  eight color photographs that survived the “best of 2017” selection process described in an earlier post. Image 1 & 2 The first two, very colorful images were taken during a Nikon School workshop. We had the task of capturing…

  • Best of 2017

    my top 16 I took inspiration from Martin Bailey’s annual “top ten” process to go through all my 2017 pictures and choose the best ones. I decided to select a total of 16, eight in black an white and eight in colour. selection process I organize all photos and videos in Adobe Lightroom for a…

  • Schnitzeljagd

    Mountain biking in Singapore scheint auf den ersten Blick “not the most obvious thing to do”, aber wie so oft täuscht der anfängliche Eindruck: mit ein wenig Kreativität lassen sich 200 Kilometer XC-Trail zusammenbasteln: ein halbes Dutzend offiziell markierte Trails ergeben 50 Kilometer, ca 60 Kilometer gibt der Green Corridor her, bevor die Verlegung einer Pipeline…

  • Consequences of Increased Mamilomat Usage



    Prelude: a “Mamilomat” is a device used by a Mamil to pursue his ambitions. Mamilomats come in the shape of extremely well spec’d (aka expensive) bicycles of the mountain-, road- or triathlon- category where any gram of possible excess weight can be shed off by an additional carbon-titanium upgrade to overcompensate the effects of a steadily…

  • Local kopi and coffee shops

    If you want to go fully local….It needs a bit of experience, expertise and language skills to order a coffee or a tea in Singapore… The choice is all yours !! kopi = coffee (easy ey…..) teh = tea (also rather trivial) si = with condensed milk o = with evaporated milk Kosong = no sugar…

  • shooting in the rain

    rainy season in Singapore – looking for clouds, structures and sea surface to play around with a new ND filter. Arriving on location … didn’t look like photo shooting was on the agenda